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Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2020

Who Needs an Architect?

In this article the author talks about the concept of architecture and what it means to him. At the beginning he starts to give the IEEE definition, and it is very interesting to see what he thinks about this definition, giving his opinion about the parts in which he agrees and the parts in which he disagrees. The author defines two types of architects, these are: Architectus Reloadus: is the person who makes all the important decisions. The architect does this because a single mind is needed to ensure a system’s conceptual integrity, and perhaps because the architect doesn’t think that the team members are sufficiently skilled to make those decisions. Often, such decisions must be made early on so that everyone else has a plan to follow. Architectus Oryzus : This kind of architect must be very aware of what’s going on in the project, looking out for important issues and tackling them before they become a serious problem. The most important activity of Architectus Oryzus is

Software Architecture

This chapter was very interesting for me and helped me to see the great importance of software architecture. As well as the functions it has and the benefits we have by paying attention to this step of the software development process. For this we have to consider with the reading of other chapters of the class, that there are different types of software architecture, and that we have to choose the one that more adapts to our project or to what we want to do. You also have to take into account if you already have a certain progress or if you start with an already established base. All this must be taken into account to choose the best option. I like that the author emphasizes points like the points of view, the concept of software architecture, as well as when and where the software architecture should be done, the functions that the development process has, he talks the same about the components, connection components and then he talks about the architecture styles, which are: No

Moon Machines: The Navigation Computer

Nowadays, we have a great capacity to find solutions to problems through computers, which have a lot of memory, processing capacity and which give us results in a minimum amount of time. However, this was not always the case. In the beginning, computers were very big and did not have the capacity they have today. That's why this documentary surprised me a lot, to see how the process went so that the engineers could do the calculations for the Apollo to reach the moon. In the beginning this process looked quite complicated for the engineers and professionals to do by hand, but with the help of a computer, which didn't have much memory, it made the process easier for them. One of the scenes that I really liked was when you see the computer printing out calculation results and that it was large amounts of paper to be able to visualize those results. I admire the great effort that was made at that time, because with the tools they had, they obtained a satisfactory result,

About me

Hello everyone. My name is Tomás Bravo, but I prefer you call me Tommy. I study computer science and this is my ninth semester. But I'll be graduating this semester because the 2 semesters ago I went to an exchange program. I went to the US, Illinois to be more specific. This was the best experience I've ever had by so far. I had the opportunity to meet a lot of people from different countries: India, The Netherlands, Bangladesh, Colombia, Honduras, Japan, Russia and other countries. Talking about this course, S/W Design and Architecture I hope to learn all the necessary tools for software architecture. I understand that we will be learning Ruby in this course and I am always happy to learn new languages. I don't know the entire course topics, but I hope to gain knowledge that will help me in my professional life. My hobbies: dancing street dance, playing videogames and swimming. Talking about music, I love electronic and urban music. Recently I haven't read a book, buy