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Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2020

Software Craftmanship

In this podcast they talked about a topic that I had already heard, or at least they talked about topics that I had already seen. Bob Martin talks about the two types of people that exist in software engineering, which are architects and programmers. Architects are the people who are responsible for making the important decisions on the project, while programmers are the people who do the work of making the project code and achieving the project goals. Personally, I think that the decisions of a project should be made among the whole development team, because in this way you can discover elements that the architect didn't see at the beginning and in this way everyone will agree and avoid problems in the future. Wikipedia gives us the following definition of "Software": Software craftsmanship is an approach to software development that emphasizes the coding skills of the software developers. It is a response by software developers to the perceived ills of the mainstr

Hidden Figures

When the film started, I thought I wouldn't like it and that I would just talk about the story of the take-off of Apollo 11. However, I liked Katherine's story. It's very admirable the great effort she made to achieve her dreams and to stand out among men. Because at that time women were not considered for the important jobs or could not aspire to great positions. However, she struggled to finish her studies and realize her dream of working at NASA. In the beginning it was quite difficult for others to take into account, because the society was very racist, and they always separated the whites from the blacks. However, his great knowledge proved to be superior to that of the other men at NASA and with this he achieved a great change in society. She had to suffer from ridicule, injustice, abuse and racism. That is why I greatly admire her great courage to excel despite having all those obstacles in her way. In my opinion, I hate the ideas of a society that does not value

Is Design Dead?

In this article they focus on two topics: design and extreme programming. What I understood from what I read was that design is no longer so important in an environment where extreme programming is done. Programming refers to a way of programming in a fast way, so certain phases are ignored, so that results can be obtained quickly. This still implies that not so much time is spent on documentation, the major effort is concentrated on coding. In my opinion, I think that for any project, the design phase is very important. It is fundamental to know the system requirements, analyze the problem and design solutions, as well as define the tools to be used and estimate the time to complete the project. In this way, a date can be given to the client so that a quality result can be generated, which will be functional, scalable and understandable in case a developer wants to improve it or simply to give maintenance. However, the author mentions interesting things about extreme programming: