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Software Craftmanship

In this podcast they talked about a topic that I had already heard, or at least they talked about topics that I had already seen. Bob Martin talks about the two types of people that exist in software engineering, which are architects and programmers. Architects are the people who are responsible for making the important decisions on the project, while programmers are the people who do the work of making the project code and achieving the project goals.

Personally, I think that the decisions of a project should be made among the whole development team, because in this way you can discover elements that the architect didn't see at the beginning and in this way everyone will agree and avoid problems in the future.

Wikipedia gives us the following definition of "Software":

Software craftsmanship is an approach to software development that emphasizes the coding skills of the software developers. It is a response by software developers to the perceived ills of the mainstream software industry, including the prioritization of financial concerns over developer accountability.

I had not heard this concept before, however, it became very interesting to me as Bob talks about it and so I decided to look for a definition to better understand it. I like it because this way the developer is more involved in the decisions, as well as the achievements and consequences of the decisions.

As a conclusion and opinion, with the articles read lately and now with this podcast, it makes me see architecture in different ways. As well as the people who get involved and how they classify themselves. This gives me the opportunity to choose the one I think is most suitable and apply it to my professional life. But I agree that programmers should be taken into account for the important decisions of the project they are working on, their knowledge and experience can help a lot to find improvements.


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